You Are Almost There. Zetas Channeled by Erena Velazquez Ambassador of Galactic Light Forces You are almost there… You want to ascend, and realize it’s about helping others who help you.


  1. I am glad to see that the Zetas have the integrity to admit that this Earth experience is an experiment that has gone wrong. I know it wasn’t they who did it to us and they have come up with ideas to get us straightened out physically and spiritually. This video should be shown every day for months , every where possible, for as long as it takes to reach all souls currently on Earth so they can realize they have had a terrible guilt trip done to them and release that guilt right now. It is not all your fault. Receive this light and let your vibrations rise with the release of this guilt. You are not intentionally bad. You were set up. Receive the light, the truth and distance yourself from the ones you can now see want to dominate you.

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