Ricardo Peterson Kuthumi (IITM)

About the author

I am passionately inspired to help humanity getting through and thriving during these incredible times and opportunities of change, growth and evolution.

“South Atlantic Magnetic Anomaly” Easily One Of The Biggest Developments In Modern Times!! It Has Been Lingering For Years, And Is Probably A Heavenly...

      I do believe some thing of epic proportions is happening right now in Argentina, with worldwide ramifications!! https://officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com/2024/03/11/master-el-morya-argentina-is-called-to-be-the-great-light-of-america/ https://officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com/2024/03/10/tell-them-jesus-is-returning-via-transfiguration-tell-the-people-of-earth-about-erks-argentina-the-multidimensional-city-that-houses-the-kunab-ku-temple-and-world-divine-government-off-earth-gala/ https://officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com/ Thanks to those supporting my mission, and who...

Argentina Is Called To Be Lead Country For Divine World Government As Mysterious Massive Magnetic Anomaly Continues To Hover Over Argentina!!

Some more details from El Morya via Emanuel and Pastora on Argentina's role In Divine World Government. I believe the strange magnetic 'anomaly' aka... a...

We Live In A Simulation, And It Is Abruptly Ending Just When People Are Getting “Good” At It!

People are having extreme challenges in letting go of the simulation. There are reasons for that, and let's look at some of them. If...

Psychic Describes Immense Pressure Building In The Pacific Ocean!!

  ·  Phew huge things are happening in the Pacific ocean! This morning when I woke up I was connected to all the crystal pyramids and the...

Mira of the Pleiades: the only part that needs to be awaken in every human is the Universal Consciousness. It’s impossible to ascend without...

Mira of the Pleiades: Importance of Spiritual Wisdom Channel: Erena Velazquez Greetings,I am Mira, from the Pleiadian High Council, and today I am speaking to my Brothers...

This Simulation Is Ending… Here’s Some Of The Bigger Picture!

Actually there's so much going on, that people couldn't handle it... here's some of it, as this simulation comes to an end, forever. Don't miss...

Humanity Put On Fast Track Ascension Process Says Pleiadians And Planetary Spiritual Hierarchy!!!

Greetings, We are the Pleiadians of Alcyone, We speak to you in these moments to bring great upliftment to you, to Raise you within the...

Humanity Is Fast Approaching “Transitional Split”!! 

Ascension Lightworkers To The Ascension Lightworker Community . Earth is fast approaching the ‘TRANSITIONAL SPLIT’, which is destined to unfold as the cycle of 2024...

This Simulation Is Ending Whether People Like It Or Not!! Preparing For The Great Solar Flash!!

It feels safe and comfortable to be with the herd and to make today like yesterday... the only thing is, the herd is rushing...

Hello!! Here’s an update, and a heart-to-heart about what Happened To O.N.E. News??

Hi readers~ I thought I'd give you an update about O.N.E. News, and other matters. As you may or may not know, O.N.E. News was hit...

New York City Mega Disaster Is Coming Soon!!  NY Is Literally Crumbling And Saturated With Carbon Monoxide And Sulfur Dioxide Emissions From Ripping Rock, And...

Zetatalk: New York City Crumble For more than a year the New York City area has shown up as bright red on the burn maps showing...

US Supreme Court: Vaccinated People Are Products, Not Humans!!

IITM: This transhuman agenda is definitely something humanity needs to know about... human or not! HOMO SAPIEN GOT HACKED! (NAME YOUR PRICE .PDF DOWNLOAD) What if...

