Well guys, this IS interesting.... Nibiru (Nemesis Star System) is a catalyst for the solar flashes... https://officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com/2024/03/09/lady-nada-hints-solar-flashes-are-triggered-by-nibiru/
Oh there's more... World Teacher & Friends has...
Well guys, this IS interesting.... Nibiru (Nemesis Star System) is a catalyst for the solar flashes... https://officeoftheworldteacher.wordpress.com/2024/03/09/lady-nada-hints-solar-flashes-are-triggered-by-nibiru/
Oh there's more... World Teacher & Friends has...
I do believe some thing of epic proportions is happening right now in Argentina, with worldwide ramifications!!
Thanks to those supporting my mission, and who...
Some more details from El Morya via Emanuel and Pastora on Argentina's role In Divine World Government.
I believe the strange magnetic 'anomaly' aka... a...
Ascension Lightworkers
To The Ascension Lightworker Community . Earth is fast approaching the ‘TRANSITIONAL SPLIT’, which is destined to unfold as the cycle of 2024...