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Huge Update!! Galactic Intervention 2024-2028, Solar Flash, Christ Returns, Days Of Darkness, Nibiru, Evacuation, Pole Shift

Let's look closer at these end times events and see what we can make sense of: GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION GREAT SOLAR FLASH VISIT FROM CHRIST AND HEAVENLY...

Reasons To Doubt I Am The New Christ, Someone Else, You, Me… I Get It… But Then What??!!

In this latest message, I talk 'doubt'. I explain how even the animals doubt... but what they don't do, is doubt, then expect other...

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Huge Update!! Galactic Intervention 2024-2028, Solar Flash, Christ Returns, Days Of Darkness, Nibiru, Evacuation, Pole Shift

Let's look closer at these end times events and see what we can make sense of: GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION GREAT SOLAR FLASH VISIT FROM CHRIST AND HEAVENLY...

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Huge Update!! Galactic Intervention 2024-2028, Solar Flash, Christ Returns, Days Of Darkness, Nibiru, Evacuation, Pole Shift

Let's look closer at these end times events and see what we can make sense of: GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION GREAT SOLAR FLASH VISIT FROM CHRIST AND HEAVENLY...

Why Donating To Mission Of Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine, World Teacher & Friends, The Yellow Ray, And Other Websites) Is Extra...

Dear friends~ Well, I finally worked out that glitch with Donorbox... and also recently added a new Fundrazr. Fundrazr requires no sign up, and you...

Reasons To Doubt I Am The New Christ, Someone Else, You, Me… I Get It… But Then What??!!

In this latest message, I talk 'doubt'. I explain how even the animals doubt... but what they don't do, is doubt, then expect other...

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Huge Update!! Galactic Intervention 2024-2028, Solar Flash, Christ Returns, Days Of Darkness, Nibiru, Evacuation, Pole Shift

Let's look closer at these end times events and see what we can make sense of: GALACTIC MILITARY INTERVENTION GREAT SOLAR FLASH VISIT FROM CHRIST AND HEAVENLY...

Why Donating To Mission Of Richard Peterson Kuthumi (Indian in the machine, World Teacher & Friends, The Yellow Ray, And Other Websites) Is Extra...

Dear friends~ Well, I finally worked out that glitch with Donorbox... and also recently added a new Fundrazr. Fundrazr requires no sign up, and you...

Reasons To Doubt I Am The New Christ, Someone Else, You, Me… I Get It… But Then What??!!

In this latest message, I talk 'doubt'. I explain how even the animals doubt... but what they don't do, is doubt, then expect other...

Man Who Thinks He Is Next Christ Of Planet Earth, Discusses His Spiritual Awakening And Motivations!

Guys... I just wanted to send out another message, this one to explain my motivations for getting to the point, where I realized I...

This Man Thinks He Is The New Christ (World Teacher) Of The New Earth, Discusses Mission, Ascension, Human Difficulties And Delusions!!

Well... this is for enlightenment purposes only LOL! I know this is going to be challenging for some, but that doesn't mean it's not...

The New Christ (World Teacher) Of The New Earth Revealed, Prime Creator Drops Epic Bombshell!

Guys! I know this info. here is quite shocking... but it is part of an ever-growing collection of messages from unrelated sources, that all...

The Next Plandemic Is Coming… These Are My Heartfelt Words!

HEARTFELT WORDS ON THE NEXT PLANDEMIC In this lifetime, you get to experiment with many roles... Male...female Boy... girl Native... french, english, asian, russian, or how ever you...

Did Real Trump Die Three Years Ago During Cancer Treatment?? Whatever Is Going On Is Deeper Than The Rabbit Hole Itself!!

Folks... I hope you are doing well and have access to the truths we need to move beyond this existing reality. I can't help but notice...

If The Great Solar Flash And Three Days Of Darkness Are Related, Then Listen To This Video!!

Folks we have some major events coming that are likely related: -Great Solar Flash -Three Days Of Darkness -Planetary evacuation -Ascension catalytic point -Nibiru's...

Best Mouth Rinse For Teeth Maintenance And Biofilm Support!! Dentists Will Be Horrified LOL!

Guys... I'm just a guy with a computer, teeth issues, and a romantic side.  I want to live in a world where we help...

Dentists Don’t Want You To Know This! How I Cured My Tooth Abscess, And Saved My Tooth From Getting Pulled!!

 Tooth pain is some of the worst pain I have ever experienced. I was in so much pain yesterday, I was debating in my...

Donald Trump Still Pisses Me Off!! Rant From A Past Supporter!!

  Trust the plan right? Does that mean trust the plan, while ONE BILLION people have been depopulated from earth from the jab? PASCAL NAJADI:...